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Tax-efficient investing

Investments can be made through a variety of tax wrappers such as ISA’s, pensions, investment bonds, as well as investing directly, to utilise the various tax allowances available to a UK resident when growing assets and spending in retirement.

Each tax wrapper has its own set of rules and regulations, as well as each client having their own personal circumstances. At Quilter Cheviot your investment manager will incorporate your circumstances when managing the underlying investment within the given tax wrapper or directly invested assets.

Depending on your personal circumstances and tax planning needs, your investment manager will consider not only your underlying investments but also help you make the most of allowances and exemptions available.

This may include:

  • realising gains within the capital gains tax annual exemption
  • taking advantage of a flexible ISA allowance
  • and where applicable Junior ISAs allowance (for any child under 18 that you have parental responsibility for)

Protecting your clients’ assets from tax is not just about choosing the right tax wrapper

Quilter Cheviot provide advisers with the ability to meet most of their clients’ tax planning needs, which include managing assets in tax efficient wrappers to ongoing Capital Gains Tax (CGT) management, and use of flexible ISA and JISA allowances. Find out more in our downloadable guide to tax-efficient investing.

Download the guide

How we can help you

Capital Gains Tax (CGT) management

  • Ongoing management of your capital gains position using the annual exemption.
  • Establishing your asset ownership history. 
  • Providing HMRC-compliant tax reporting of any gains made.  

Individual Savings Accounts (ISAs)

  • As these accounts are not subject to personal taxation on any income earned or gains made within them they do not have to be declared on your tax return. 
  • You can transfer your ISA(s) from other managers to us as well as adding to them within your annual allowance. 

Personal pensions including SIPPs

  • We manage the investment within a third party self-invested pension (including defined benefit and defined contribution structures, small self-administered schemes (SSASs) and group self-invested personal pensions (SIPPs).   
  • Investments are managed on a bespoke basis to meet your objectives and requirements. 
  • Gains and income generated are not subject to personal taxation. 
  • You can transfer funds to our management within an existing pension wrapper.

Offshore bonds

  • Bonds offered by insurers based outside the UK. Income and gains within these wrappers are not subject to UK tax however there could be tax implications depending on the jurisdiction of origin.
  • Offshore bonds can hold a wide range of assets - either collective investments or wider assets including stocks and shares.
  • We can manage your assets from our offshore offices in Jersey and Dubai. We offer this for private clients, trusts, charities and pension funds. 

Alternative Investment Market (AIM) Strategy

  • A discretionary strategy investing in companies listed on the Alternative Investment Market.  
  • After holding an AIM portfolio for two years, the portfolio qualifies for Business Relief so is exempt from Inheritance Tax.
  • Our AIM strategy is designed for IHT mitigation and as such can only be accessed through a financial adviser.
Find out more

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The value of your investments and the income from them can fall and you may not recover what you invested.