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Life after work

The days of slowing down at retirement have gone. Now more than ever, many of our clients want to see the world, take up new hobbies and interests, or shift their focus to charity work. You’ve worked hard for your wealth. Now is the time to enjoy it.

Allowing you to make the most of your retirement

At Quilter Cheviot, we want you to get the most from life after work, so it is important to make the most of your pension.

Your dedicated Investment Manager will structure a portfolio to provide you with a regular income and will work with your pensions adviser to find the best way to take your pension benefits, based on your individual circumstances and objectives.

What can I do now?

If you’ve enjoyed a successful career and find yourself unsure as to what to do now, the options are endless. With a little careful planning, you can take advantage of any opportunities that come your way – whether you want to take a lump sum or take a regular income from your portfolio to ease yourself into retirement.

What about passing on my wealth?

After years of hard work, you want to enjoy your retirement. However, you might also want to think about wealth transfer to the next generation – do you want to set aside an amount to pass on to your loved ones? We can help you plan to do this as efficiently as possible.

Would you like to speak to one of our experts?

You can contact us by phone, email or simply complete the online form and our team will be in touch with you soon.

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Specialist expertise

Some areas of investing can be more complex than others, so we have dedicated team of experts who can support and give you the benefit of years of experience in their field.

Specialist expertise

The value of your investments and the income from them can fall and you may not recover what you invested.