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CharitEpulse: Agree to disagree?

Date: 01 July 2024

1 minute read

Agree to disagree?

How should charities manage internal disputes and ensure that their focus continues to be on delivering their charitable purposes? In this edition, the trio discuss:

  • Charity Governance Code consultation  - initial reactions focus on payment for use.
  • Financial matters – international accounting standards and added value from charity auditors and other professionals.
  • Charities' resources – do rebrands offer value for money?
  • Are charities leaving their cash assets languishing?

Watch time: 21 minutes

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For questions, feedback, or to suggest topics you’d like the trio to explore in upcoming episodes, please email in the Charities team.


Charles Mesquita

Charities Director

Catherine Rustomji

Partner at Shakespeare Martineau

James Saunders

Partner at Moore Kingston Smith

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